On behalf of our members I welcome you to the web site of the ACT Fly Fishers. We hope that this site will give you some idea of what our club is about. To find out more about the club and the characters in it I invite you to attend a number of the club social meetings. The club meets at the Deakin Sports & Social Club, Grose St, Deakin. Social meetings are on the 1st Thursday and 3rd Thursday of each month and often include a presentation from a guest speaker. Meetings usually start at 7:30 pm and usually finish at about 9:30 pm. We're sure you will enjoy yourself and find the presentations and/or discussions with club members interesting and informative. Once again, welcome to the club's web site and it would be great to see you again at one of our social meetings. The ACT Fly Fishers was founded in 1978 by a group of enthusiasts to cater for the specific needs and interests of fly fishers in the ACT and surrounding region. The level of skills possessed by members ranges from absolute beginners to proficient fly fishers. By increasing knowledge of the many and diverse aspects of the art of fly-fishing, the club aims to enhance its members' enjoyment of their sport. Developments that may affect the quality of fishing in local waters are watched closely by the club's council and interested members. Affiliation is maintained with the Australian Recreational Sport Fishing Confederation inc. (Recfish Australia), the Australian Freshwater Fisherman's Assembly, and the ACT Sports & Recreational Fishing Council. The types of activities and benefits offered by the club include: -Social meetings twice a month, with speakers or tuition -Monthly newsletter (FlyLines) -The company of like minded friends -Freshwater and saltwater fly fishing information -Regular organised fishing outings -Fly casting clinics -Tuition on fishing techniques -Fly tying instruction -Forum for discussing all aspects of fly fishing -Guest speakers -Fly fishing and tying video and book library The Club's objectives are to: -Encourage the art of angling with an artificial fly -Protect trout and other waters -Maintain an interest in the stocking and care of trout waters -Foster and encourage the spirit of sportsmanship in fly fishing -Promote social intercourse among fly fishers |
ACT Fly Fishers
P.O. Box 3778 Manuka ACT 2603

Specialist: Fly Fishing