There is only one way to cook bass in my opinion and that is as follows:- Heat a small amount of oil in a large frying pan and place a filletted side of Bass skin side down into the hot oil.Then just watch as the flesh changes colour going pinkish to a bright white.When all the flesh has turned white dish the fish up and you will have a fantastic tasting fish with a delicous crispy skin.You can have this fish with any thing you choose salad,vegetables,chips etc or just crusty bread. Spicy Bass(sent in by George Outten) Keep your bass whole after gutting, fill the cavity with finely chopped red,yellow and green peppers, finely chop two small cloves of garlic, and add with the peppers. take two ounces of extra virgin olive oil and add some oregano and chives, mix together and coat both sides of the bass, put a little inside with the peppers, and keep the rest for basting during grilling. put the bass on some tin foil, add salt and pepper to taste, and put under a medium heat grill for ten minutes each side, baste at regular intervals. serve with a green salad and crusty french bread. enjoy!!!! Crumbed Bass Courtesy of Heather Bayzand Ingredients Per person you will need Bass Fillett 250g,2 slices white bread crumbed,1 teaspoon virgin olive oil,1 spring onion finely sliced,2 teaspoons fresh oregano,1 clove mashed garlic,freshly milled black pepper,a little salt,1 tablespoon parmesan cheese,2 tablespoons grated mature cheddar cheese,1 tablespoon lemon juice. The Method Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 9.Butter an oven proof dish,sprinkle the bass in the lemon juice,half the oregano and half the garlic and lay in the dish.In a mixing bowl combine the bread crumbs,oil,spring onion,half of the oregano,half of the garlic,some black pepper and the two cheeses.Loosely pile the crumbs on the bass fillet and place in the top of the oven for about 12-15 minutes until the fish is cooked and the crumbs are golden brown. A Recipe sent in by Alex Claire Ingredients For this recipe you will need two good fillets of sea bass, 1 bunch coriander, 4 cloves of garlic (crushed), the juice and zest of 2 limes, a heaped table spoon of chopped fresh ginger, 1 0nion finely chopped, 2 green chillis, half a tin of coconut milk, salt and pepper, cooking oil (preferably peanut). The Method Firstly, prep up your bass, leaving the skin on, but scaled, in a bowl add a half of the garlic, a half of the coriander, half the ginger and a tea spoon of salt, the juice and zest of one lime and a tablespoon of the oil, mix up and pour over bass in a tray , leave in the fridge for 4 hours. After this heat a little oil in a hot pan, add the onions, ginger chopped chillis and the garlic and cook till the onions appear transluscent, then add the rest of the marinade from the fish, and cook on a high heat for 3 minutes, then add coconut milk and the rest of the coriander and lime juice, and place on a low heat, with a lid on for a further 5 minutes, In a frying pan heat a little oil, and place the bass skin side down, and fry untill cooked, turning only once, and when skin is golden brown, place fish on a plate and and pour sauce over the top, serve with fragrant rice, salad, lime juice and a little lime segment Bloomin marvellous this one |
Bass Recipes

Specialist: Bass