De costi Seafoods

De Costi Seafoods - did you know....

- George and Andrea began seafood retailing in 1974 from a Paddy's Market stand of 10 boxes of fish.

- In 1975, George and Andrea opened Kingsford Seafood in the eastern suburbs. This became on of the most successful retail businesses of it's time.

- De Costi Seafoods was formed in 1981 at the Sydney Fish Markets and a large publicity and advertising strategy began. 2KY teamed with Paul Ambrossolie gave De Costi's and seafood lovers a kick off! George gave specials live on air and reported on seafood availability and the day's specials. The program was a huge success and the results were phenomenal.

- To date, De Costi Seafoods at the Sydney Fish Markets Pyrmont stands as having the largest display of fresh seafood in the Southern Hemisphere.

- During the late 80's the public became familiar with De Costi Seafoods through George's daily live talk shows. These included 2GB's Peter Peter's and Greg Hadley, their famous advertising line was;
"De Costi Brothers Seafoods - Rolls Royce Seafood at Volkswagon prices".

- In 1985 a "Mariner White Wine" commercial was made at De Costi's, giving George his first TV debut.
Mc Williams Wines Advertising strategy, together with George's seafood expertise made the ad a huge success. The jingle was; "Goes well with seafood - goes well without...."

- During the mid 80's customers were coming to buy fish in busloads. Seafood was in huge demand, customers commenting that they had purchased "the best seafood they had ever had". Their comments were incredible and rewarding - flattering for George who was approached by customers on his day off to say hello!

- In 1986, Roger Corbett, the then CEO of David Jones, saw the value of what George was doing for the industry and requested George to assist in bringing seafood to the new David Jones Food Hall.

- De Costi's at the David Jones Food Hall in the city became a huge success, the quality and variety of seafood was in huge demand. Customers were sending letters of appreciation for the wide choice of quality seafood.

- Over the years George was invited to many Channel 10 interviews, with hosts like Maureen Duval on the David Jones lunch program. George would take a variety of seafood, such as crustaceans and prawns and display them. Showing viewers how to clean the new eating trends, like calamari and octopus which were unknown to many. He explained many ways to cook the seafood, and clean seafood.

- Simon Townsends Wonder World was filmed at De Costi's with George co-hosting the half hour program which continued to air for several years. The fun episodes showed a large variety of bright coloured fish, live lobsters, crabs, prawns, mussels, pippies and much more. It made interesting viewing for all as the information included, where the fish was caught, their weight and size and also cooking suggestions.

- George played a large part in documentary interviews with 60 minutes and has been at the centre of every incident relating to seafood.

- Channel Ten, Nine, Seven and SBS have approached George at one time or another to interview him regarding any seafood matter and helped clarify situations occurring in the industry. For example, Wallis Lake, the Fish Markets deregulation plans, the Fishing Cooperatives, Fishermen and the seafood industry in general.

- Politicians have had meetings with George to gain insight into industry issues and gain his opinions on the seafood industry.

- George is a member of the National Seafood Centre, The Fisheries Research Development Corporation,
The Sydney Fish Markets Tenant Board and the Fish Merchants Association.

- George has been interviewed on seafood matters for over 23 years. Media coverage such as The Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Vogue Entertaining & Travel, The Business Review as well as local papers.

- The Daily Telegraph have been to De Costi's every Christmas, Easter and on any other occasion in which seafood is involved to obtain precise and first hand information regarding any matter in seafood.

- George Costi's knowledge and expertise in the seafood industry is well recognised and respected not only by his peers but the Australian public.

- Georges involvement with the media is not only for the promotion of De Costi's but of the whole seafood industry

- Thirty years of hard work and promotion of the seafood industry George Costi is the
"Ambassador of Seafood" and loves every minute!

George and Andrea Costi are the brains behind the retail operation, progressing to today's internationally
recognized business with a reputation for quality. George Costi is Australia's leading industry name in seafood retail, taking every opportunity to promote the seafood industry over the past 30 years.
As part of the Sydney Fish Market NSW Seafood Awards 2001, his peers acknowledged George Costi as he was presented with a special award recognizing the years of energy and commitment he has given to the seafoodindustry.Commenting on the surprise announcement, Managing Director, board of the Sydney Fish Market, Grahame Turk believed that George's status as industry icon should be rewarded,

"..The Seafood Industry Ambassador award is not a regular award, however the Board of Sydney Fish Market felt that given the enormous contribution made to the seafood industry by this individual over many years, it was very fitting that he be recognized."

Guests on the evening were treated to a prepared video tribute presentation honoring George's many years in the seafood industry, providing a visual acknowledgment of the enormous contribution he has made.

"George is an ambassador for the seafood industry, playing an integral role in the communication of current issues with the catching and post harvest sectors, as well as the media," said Sydney Fish Market Chairman Bill Gibson.

De Costi Seafood's supplies volumes of fresh seafood to wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, caterers, supermarkets, clubs, bistros and hotels and sources fresh and frozen seafood from across Australia, New Zealand and other countries. George has continuously supported seafood promotions, charities and fund raising activities and became the first seafood exhibitor at the Royal Easter Show, winning first prize in the agricultural division, for three consecutive years.

George's efforts and successes come from a love of the industry, shown clearly by his association with the:

- Board of Sydney Fish Market
- Master Fish Merchants Association
- SFM Tenants and Merchants Board
- Fisheries Research & Development Corporation

De costi Seafoods

29 Bachell Ave Lidcombe NSW
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