Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse

Kingsleys steak and crabhouse, established by kingsley smith, director of pacific restaurant group is the best steak and crabhouse in australia and has a vibrant yet relaxed atmosphere. Great food, superb wine and friendly staff, combined with iconic locations make kingsleys restaurants a perfect experience for anyone.

Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse was established in Sydney in 1994.

At Kingsleys, our focus is not just on the food, but the whole dining experience. Pacific Restaurant Group has created a style of restaurant that keeps our clients coming back for more.

Lunch in the sun is now wharf history and a hot favourite for both local diners & tourists. With the winning combination of great ambience by the wharf, friendly staff & waterfront views, Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse Sydney is a great experience for anyone at any time of year.

Waterside dining & your choice of a quick corporate lunch or an afternoon bite with friends is on the menu at Kingsleys Brisbane.

Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse Canberra is the perfect location for dinner before the movies, to entertain corporate guests or for a quick salad during your hard day of shopping.

Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse offers the highest quality produce. Riverine Premium Beef with a 2+ marble score features on all our menus, along with Certified Australian Angus Beef & Wagyu stockyard cuts. From the sea, Australian mud crabs are available seasonally, predominately from Queensland & are found in up to 3 metres of water. The famous Alaskan Red King Crab - caught in the treacherous Bering Sea in sub-zero temperatures, & snap-frozen on board the trawlers to maintain the salty-sweet taste, also features heavily on the menu.

Our Crabs - Soft Shell Crab, Mud Crabs, Snow Crab & Alaskan King Crab
Soft Shell Crab
In order for all crabs to grow, they periodically shed their shell. This generally happens once a month - growing 33% with each molt. Soft shell crabs are cultivated after they have shed their shell, giving you the ultimate crab eating experience!

Mud Crab
Mud Crab - Scylla serata - are found in shallow muddy waters of less than 1 metre, up to 30 metres. There are three species of mud crabs which are commonly known as green, purple & brown.

The green mud crab is the most common & grows up to 28cm in width & 3kg in weight. At low tide they live in muddy holes or dead tree trunks about 1 metre underground. The Jenny (female) swims out to sea & spawns on an incoming tide, allowing their young to be washed into the muddy flats. Female crabs are sought after for their sweet & abundant meat, however we only serve male crabs to create sustainable fishing practices. Mud crabs have an abundance of moist, flaky, sweet flesh.

We recommend your mud crab is served Singapore chilli style - wok fried with a hot, sticky tomato, chilli & blackbean sauce.

Alaskan King Crab
There are three species of King crab in Alaska - red, blue & brown. Each crab is found in different areas of Alaskan waters. Most of the King crab harvested in Alaska comes from the Bering Sea. There are smaller fisheries to the north in Norton Sound and in the southeast.

The major Alaskan harvest occurs in sub-zero temperatures & lasts less than 3 weeks per year during October & January. The crabs are cooked on the boat in clean Alaskan sea water then snap frozen in blast freezers. The meat is succulent, salty & sweet & snow-white in colour with coral-like highlights of bright red. In the winter 2005-2006 season, 250 boats caught over 6 million kilos of red king crab in four days. This averages out to be approximately 25,500 kilos per boat!

To enjoy the true taste of Alaskan king crab, we recommend having it served chilled in the shell with mayonnaise.

Kingsleys Steak & Crabhouse

Suite 202, 100 William St East Sydney New South Wales 2010
✆ 1300 546 475
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