The Central Coast Fly Rodders' (CCFR), was formed out of a discussion on the Internet between a couple of Fly Fishos who felt that it was time that the Central Coast area had it's own fly fishing club. Previously the only fly-only clubs within the reach of the Central Coast were in Newcastle and Sydney, which meant members could not be as actively involved as they would like due to the travel. One of the people involved (David Witham) in this discussion took the lead and gauged the interest in having a fly-only club. Interest was bigger than anticipated, so a meeting was organised for the club to get started. The first meeting was held on the 2nd of August 2001, and saw 16 fly fishos attend from all over the coast. In June 2004 the club had grown to nearly 40 members and was officially incorporated. The main aim of the club is to further the sport of fly fishing through the activities and knowledge sharing of our members, but also to have fun enjoying the sport of fly fishing. The club is open to anyone who is interested in the sport of fly fishing. Our members range in age from 15 to 75 with skill levels ranging from absolute beginner to those with more years experience than they'd care to admit. The club holds monthly meetings and outings. Our meetings usually include a presentation on subjects such as fishing techniques, fishing equipment, fly tying and fishing destinations, while our outings cover most forms of fly fishing from boat and shore based salt water to fresh water river and impoundment fishing to traditional trout fishing. Members without boats are always assured of a seat during our boat based trips. The club also holds fly casting clinics to help those who wish to improve their casting skills Central Coast Fly Rodders - the most fun you can have standing in the rain waist deep in freezing cold water! The Central Coast Fly Rodders get together once a month for a social, a cuppa and a biscuit (if you're quick). The agenda covers official club business and trip planning, as well as topics and events ranging from film nights and fly tying to guest speakers and casting clinics. 1st Wednesday of every month (except January) Kariong Neighbourhood Centre 10 Langford Drive Kariong 7pm Start In addition to our monthly mid-week gathering, the club holds a fishing trip on the 3rd weekend of each month. From time to time, members are also known to occasionally organise private trips together outside of "official" club activities so membership brings plenty of opportunities to wet a line and hone your skills. |
Central Coast Fly Rodders
Kariong Neighbourhood Centre 10 Langford Drive Kariong New South Wales

Specialist: Fly Fishing