Fishing information for anglers in Victoria. Contains professional and reader reports, forums, news, tips, competition details and reports, image gallery, equipment reviews, recipes and information on state fishing licenses and laws. The Fish Our Fish Directory currently lists more than 30 of the most commonly caught salt and freshwater fish to which regulations apply. Click on a fish category at left to check size, catch and season limits along with tips on where and how to catch them and other valuable information. MEASURING YOUR CATCH The legal size of fish must be checked at the first available opportunity. Undersize fish must be released immediately. SCALE FISH Measure fish from tip of snout with mouth closed, to tip of tail. ABALONE Abalone must be measured prior to removal from its original location. Abalone must be measured at the widest part of the shell, regardless of whether the shell is whole or damaged. ROCK LOBSTER Rock lobster is measured from the front edge of the groove between the large antennae to the nearest part of the rear edge of the carapace (main body shell). Divers are required to measure Rock lobster underwater prior to bringing them to the surface. New rock lobster Regulation effective 14 November 2003: The body of rock lobsters caught or possessed by recreational fishers must remain intact (the tail and carapace must remain attached to each other) until after they have been brought ashore (to assist in monitoring compliance with size and catch limits). SHARK Measure shark from the rear most gill slit to the base of the tail fin. Measurement can be made on any side of the body. SPINY FRESHWATER CRAY Spiny Freshwater Cray are measured from the rear of the eye socket to the nearest part of the rear edge of the carapace (main body shell). Landing Your Fish Certain fish species must be landed either whole or in carcass form. This is to ensure that size and/or catch limits for key species are adhered to. Definition of Carcass Scale Fish: The body of a fish which is not cut or mutilated in any manner other than to remove the gut, gills and scales. Shark: The body of the shark which is not cut or mutilated in any manner other than to remove the gut and head forward and clear of the rear most gill slit. About the Sale of Fish As a recreational fisher, you must not take fish, including bait, for sale, or sell fish or expose fish for sale. |
Level 1, 195 Lennox Street Richmond, Victoria 3141
✆ (03) 9427 7866