The club is active in an increasing range of activities related to fly fishing and fly tying. There is a one only $2 administration fee payable on joining and the annual membership fee is $10 per annum for pensioners, holders of disability cards, children under 16 years of age and non resident members, where a non-resident member is a person residing more than 50 kilometres from Wollongong. For all other members the cost of membership is $25 per annum. Membership year shall run from midnight on the first Tuesday in August each year for one year. Half fees may be charged if members join after the first Tuesday in February. Club Objectives The objectives of I.F.F. are: To enhance the members enjoyment of the sport of fly fishing by providing opportunities for members to increase their knowledge and skills; and To assist with maintaining the environment associated with fly fishing. Membership Details The club is active in an increasing range of activities related to fly fishing and fly tying. There is a one only $2 administration fee payable on joining and the annual membership fee is $10 per annum for pensioners, holders of disability cards, children under 16 years of age and non resident members, where a non-resident member is a person residing more than 50 kilometres from Wollongong. For all other members the cost of membership is $25 per annum. Membership year shall run from midnight on the first Tuesday in August each year for one year. Half fees may be charged if members join after the first Tuesday in February. Monthly Meetings Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month except for December and January. Meetings are held at CollegiansRLFC, 96 Flinders St, Wollongong. Meetings commence at 7:30 pm and generally consist of a short business session followed by a range of speakers on topics such as tackle, stream craft, techniques and fishing adventures. A fly of the month competition and raffle is held each meeting. There is no cost to members or visitors to attend monthly meetings. Visitors are very welcome. There is also a biggest fish competition open to members, which runs from the Annual General Meeting in August to the following August. Fish are measured from the nose to the tip of the tail. Only fish caught on fly in public waters within NSW are eligible. Monthly Fly Casting Workshops Monthly fly casting workshops are held on the Sunday following the Club Meeting every month except for December and January at the duck pond at the University of Wollongong opposite the Wollongong Botanical gardens) on the Sunday following the monthly meeting. These workshops start at 10:00 am and finish around noon. They represent a great opportunity for members and visitors to improve their casting skills, to meet with others with similar interests and to try out a range of rods, reels and lines. A casting competition is held each month in conjunction with the casting workshop. There is no cost and visitors are very welcome. The guidelines for the competition are listed below: Illawarra Flyfisher's Club Casting Competition Rod: Ordinary fly fishing rod of maximum length 3.00metres. Standard fly rod rings and guides. Reel: Standard fly fishing reel. Reel fastened to the rod, line fastened to the reel. Line: Standard fly fishing line, minimum length 15 metres.Backing unrestricted. Metal inlays prohibited. Leader: Minimum length 1.80 metres. Diameter optional, butthe tippet must be minimum length of 20cm with a maximum diameter of 0.25mm. Fly: Standard tournament flies, size 10 hook with the bend, point and barb removed, palmer tied pattern, any colour, hackle diameter 16-20 mm. Rings: 5 rings 0.76 metres in diameter, 1.5 metres of free water surface between each target. The ring on the left placed 8 metres and the ring on the right placed 13 metres from a peg placed in the ground. The caster must stand directly behind this peg. Casting: The caster must start with the fly in hand and one (1) rod length of fly line (leader not included). Dry fly casting one try at a time on each target in the following order: 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5 * The target on the left being No.1 the one on the right No. 5. * At least one false cast shall be made between each score or lay of the fly. *The fly line may only be shortened or lengthened during false casting, with the rod in motion. No shortening or stripping of the line from the reel when the rod is not in motion casting. Improper shortening or stripping of the line shall make the next cast non-scoring. Scoring: Each competitor will receive 1 point for competing. Each hit in or on the target scores 1 point. The fly must rest until the judge calls the score. "Ticks" (touching the water with the fly when false casting) count as casts but are non-scoring. The maximum score for the dry fly round is 6 points. Practice: Each caster may have unofficial practice casts but only one official casting session to the rings. Before casting his official casting session, the caster must clearly state to the judge that this is to be his attempt for the recording. Prize: A prize for the year's winner will be presented at the year annual Christmas dinner. Duration: The casting competition year will be from the year of the Annual general Meeting till the following Annual General Meeting, with one casting day per month except for December and January. However in the event of inclement weather, other special circumstances or less than 4 participants, a lesser number of events will constitute the competition. The decision to cancel a casting competition will be the responsibility of the committee member in charge of fly casting or his representative for the day. Any problems arising will be resolved by the committee member in charge of fly-casting, his representative, or failing that by the club committee. Club Library Members can borrow a wide range of book, magazines and videos from the club library which operates at each monthly meeting. The club subscribes to Fly Life, Fly Fisherman, Trout, and has a variety of commercial fly fishing and fly tying videos. Fly Tying Competitions A fly tying competition is held at each meeting and members are asked to tie the nominated fly for the month for assessment at the meeting by their peers. The flies for the 2006/2007 "fly of the month" competition are set out in the attached schedule. Monthly Fly Tying Workshops Monthly Fly Tying Workshops are held at Collegians RLFC on the Wednesday following the Fly Casting Workshop each month except for December and January. Fly Tying Workshops commence at 7:30 pm and generally finish around 9:30 pm. There is no cost to members or visitors to attend monthly Fly Tying Workshops. Bring your own tools, thread and hooks. Visitors are very welcome. Contact Gordon McCombe for more information. Annual Fly Tying School Each year during the off season (i.e. over winter when the trout streams are closed) the club runs a comprehensive Fly Tying School. Annual Christmas Party and Presentation Night Details of the annual Christmas Party will be posted here and also in the club's newsletter when the event is organised. |
Illawarra Flyfishers
PO Box 408 Unanderra NSW

Specialist: Trout