Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club is a Melbourne based fly fishing club with a very active membership of over 90. We pursue all aspects of fly-fishing in fresh & salt water using modern techniques and technologies while upholding many of the older values of the sport. The Club was established in 1971 and is situated at Yarrambat Park Lake, Yan Yean Road, Yarrambat. (Melways Map 184 F5). Enter the golf course driveway and turn right towards clubrooms. Our Clubrooms are located beside a lake, which is regularly stocked by fisheries. The Club meets every Thursday in the month - guests are always welcome. All meetings begin at 7.45pm. The 1st Thursday of the month is our general meeting General meetings usually conclude with a guest speaker The 2nd and 4th Thursday are fly tying nights The club has all the necessary equipment and materials for newcomers use The 3rd Thursday is our committee meeting Other activities held throughout the year include regular fishing trips fly casting, coaching and competitions, Introduction to fly fishing courses (see below), and "Come & Try Fishing" days. Introductory Fly Fishing Course Let Northern introduce you to this fantastic recreation with an introduction course held over a three week period. This course is a must for budding fly fishers who want to kick off their fly fishing careers armed with all the necessary requirements to get you over the 'frustration stage' that most newcomers experience when they first start out. There is a heavy emphasis on casting technique and all aspects of practice and Theory are covered. Cost includes one year's annual membership and joining fee. Beginners Fly Tying Course During this course, participants will learn to tie approximately 14 flies and learn most of the methods used to tie nearly every fly you will ever need. Basic tools will be discussed, as well as hooks, materials, proportions and the life cycles of the insects most important to fly-fishing, as well as lots more. All tools required will be provided. Courses are limited to a maximum of 6 participants to maximise your learning experience. Cost includes one year's annual subs and joining fee, course booklet and materials to tie 3 of each fly to be taught. Map Reading Course This new course has proved to be very popular. Learn from our army trained instructors to help you stay safe in the Australian bush. The aim of the Map Reading Course is to give participants the knowledge, skills and confidence to plan and conduct field navigation using Topographic Maps, Magnetic Compasses and Protractors. The course is conducted over 4 sessions, 3 in the class room covering the theoretical aspects of Map Craft and Navigation which culminates in a Field Trip to practice cross country navigation over a 4-5 km distance. The course cost includes a work / reference booklet, relevant 1:25000 & 1:50000 Scale Maps, a Silva Ranger 3 Compass and Combination Protractor Roamer. Expertise In addition to these courses several of our members are FFF certified casting instructors, including an expert in Spey casting. We also have amongst our membership expert rod builders, including makers of split cane bamboo rods. Contact Patrick Thomson for more information Join our Club! To request a membership application form click here. To be able to view PDF files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This can be downloaded from the Adobe website (external website). |
Northern Suburbs Fly Fishing Club
P.O.Box 118 Bundoora, Victoria 3083
✆ (03) 9718 1138

Specialist: Fly Fishing