At Oceanwide Images we provide quality, nature and wildlife images for commercial and editorial use. All photographs are of the highest standard and sourced directly from award winning photographers like Gary Bell, who has been described as "one of few visual artists to have mastered the Art of underwater photography " Our image library specializes in marine related nature and wildlife photography, photos of Australia's terrestrial animals and rare and endangered animals of the world. Our comprehensive collection contains rare photos of marine animal behavior, spectacular reef scenes, environments, tourism, Australian marsupial animals, reptiles, birds, insects, World Heritage National Parks and more. We also offer the largest collection of Great Barrier Reef photos in the world. Oceanwide Images has tens of thousands of photographs on file that are not displayed on-line, so please feel free to contact us if you have any special requests or questions. Photography is our passion and we take pride in offering clients -Images of the highest quality. We know you will be 100% satisfied with the high resolution image that you will receive. -Premium Rights Managed images. We do not license Royalty Free images because Rights Managed licensing is the better choice for our clients. An exceptional image priced according to usage, is better than investing in a widely distributed image that has diluted value. Exclusive Rights are available on request. -Trouble free transactions tailored to meet all requests. Buying direct from Oceanwide Images means competitive prices and flexibility. -A website that is user friendly. By browsing through our website, you will find stunning photographs of the natural world, many unique to the image licensing industry. Our images are provided by photographers that we personally know, and this means that we can support the quality and the originality of our images. -Professional service. Our experienced staff deliver personal and friendly service. Your experience with Oceanwide Images will be a positive experience. Our clients include magazine publishers, book publishers, signage companies, aquariums, museums, advertising agencies, conservation organizations, newspapers and small businesses. Our images have been licensed for use on greeting cards, banners, flyers, calendars, invitations, credit cards, DVDs, CDs, stamps, coins, souvenirs, billboards, leaflets, posters, brochures and even truck signage. Oceanwide Images is a company dedicated to the supply of premium wildlife and nature images for commercial and editorial use. Since 2003, the company has grown to service major book and magazine publishers, advertising agencies and commercial entities in the United States, Europe and Australia. Gary Bell, a founding director of Oceanwide Images has over three decades of experience in photography and publishing and this experience has allowed him to make Oceanwide Images into one of the leading providers of licensed, wildlife images in the world. Central to the success of Oceanwide Images, is the company website. The website has been extensively developed to allow easy access to images and to streamline the process of image licensing and print ordering but despite the advances in technology, Oceanwide Images continues to be approachable and flexible. Unlike many online image libraries, Oceanwide Images is able to provide additional services like image manipulation, image search, customization and multiple delivery formats. Oceanwide Images also has thousands of yet to be catalogued images, so please feel free to contact Oceanwide Images if you have any special requests or questions. Clients Some regular customers include major book and magazine publishers like National Geographic Society, MacMillan McGraw Publishing, Dorling Kindersley/Penguin Books Publishing, McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Publishing company, Steve Parish Publishing, Harcourt Education UK and Australia, Meredith Books USA, Australian Geographic, Natural History Magazine, World Wildlife Fund, RSPCA, The Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife Fund, Disney USA, Royal Australian Mint, Australia Post, Readers Digest, News Week Magazine, LA Times, US News, Daily Telegraph, World Book, Sydney Aquarium, Melbourne Aquarium, Newport Aquarium, Tennessee Aquarium, Australian Government Departments. Oceanwide Images also work with numerous advertising and design companies and more. Click this link to read some Client Comments and Testimonials. Photographers All images are supplied by award winning and internationally respected photographers like John Ashley, Gary Bell, Bill Boyle, Mark Carwardine, Suzi Eszterhas, Chris and Monique Fallows, Bob Halstead, Jim Johnson, Michael Patick O'Neill, Andy Murch, Mark Simmons, Lin Sutherland, and Fish Expert, Publisher and Ichythologist, Rudie Kuiter. If you are interested contributing to our library, please read our photographers information page. Licensing To support the quality and originality of all our images, Oceanwide Images only offer Rights Managed images. Please read licensing for more information about licensing. Image Categories Our image library is frequently updated with new and exciting wildlife images and boasts one of the largest collections of Great Barrier Reef photos in the world. Some categories include: MARINE: Seascapes - both underwater and above water, aerial photography, colourful reef scenes, tropical islands, ocean and water, whales including the humpback whale, southern right whale, sperm whale, orca and dolphin, seals, dugong, manatee, sharks including the great white shark and giant whale shark, manta ray, stingray and other rays, marine reptiles including sea turtles, crocodiles and sea snakes, deep sea fish, tropical fish life, temperate fish life, clownfish, rare fish species, bizarre fish species, fish behaviour and portrait photography, deep water animals, dangerous marine creatures including the deadly blue-ringed octopus, box jellyfish and stonefish, crustaceans, molluscs and other invertebrate marine life including crayfish, lobsters, crabs, shrimps and prawns, octopus, squid, cuttlefish, sea shells, nudibranchs, starfish, sea stars, brittle stars and feather stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sea anemones, ascidians, tunicates, jellyfish, corals and coral reefs, sea weeds, mangroves and other sea plants, stromatolites, sea birds including penguins, terns, gulls and the pelican, scuba divers and snorkel divers, reef leisure and reef activities, design in nature, wrecks, jetties, introduced pest species, marine research, environmental destruction, marine pollution and much more. TERRESTRIAL: Australia's national parks and wilderness areas including the Australia outback, landscapes, rainforests, waterfalls and mountain streams, aerial photography, Australian native animals and marsupial species including kangaroos, wallaby, wombat, possum, koala, dingo, platypus and echidna, rare and endangered Australian animals including the bilby and squirrel glider, animal behaviour and portrait photography, Australian birds including eagles, magpies, cockatoos, colourful parrots, emu, cassowary, kookaburra and the introduced peacock, feral animals of Australia, Australian reptiles including crocodiles, goanna's, lizards, gecko's and snakes, komodo dragon, Australian frogs including the red-eyed tree frog, giant tree frog, endangered green and golden bell frog and barred frog, butterflies, deadly spiders, beetles, bees, ants and other Australian insects, trees, flowers, wildflowers and other plants, design in nature, clouds, agriculture, tourism, fossils, environmental destruction, pollution, natural disasters, people of the Asia-Pacific and much more. Marine + Activities - marine BoatingReef WalkingScuba - temperateScuba diving - tropicalSnorkel diving + Behavior - marine Fish behaviorMammal behaviorReptile behavior + Corals Coral bleachingCoral spawningFire coralHard coralsLace coralSoft corals + Crustaceans BarnaclesCrabsIsopodsLobsters, crayfishSea spidersShrimps + Dangerous Animals dangerous coralsdangerous fishdanger invertebratesdangerous reptilesdangerous molluscsdanger sharks, rays + Design in Nature Marine design + Divers - Scuba, Snorkel Scuba - temperateScuba divers - tropicalSnorkel diversSubmarine divers + Endangered Species Marine fishFreshwater fishMarine mammalsMarine reptiles + Fish + Seahorses, PipefishLeafy seadragonPipefish, PipehorseTropical seahorsesTemperate seahorseWeedy seadragon+ Temperate FishAnglerfishHandfishLeafy seadragonWeedy seadragonSnappermore Temperate+ Tropical FishAngelfishBarracudaBatfishButterflyfishClownfishDolphinfishEels, moray eelsFairy bassletsFish and coralFish cleaningFrogfishGoatfishGobies, gobyGroupers, codsHawkfishLionfishParrotfishSchooling fishScorpionfishStonefishSweetlipsTriggerfishTunaWrassesmore Tropical fish+ BillfishBlack marlinBlue marlinSailfishCommercial fishingDeep Sea fishFish facesFreshwater fishFish marketsTraditional fishing + Great Barrier Reef GBR FishGBR CoralsGBR ScenesGBR DivingGBR SharksGBR Rays + Invertebrates Ascidians, tunicatesBasket starsBarnaclesBrittle starsCritter facesFeather stars, crinoidsHydroidsJellyfishMarine wormsSea anemonesSea cucumbersSea pensSea stars, starfishSea urchinsSponges + Mammals - Marine + DolphinsAmazon DolphinsBottlenose DolphinCommon DolphinPacific DolphinsSpinner DolphinsYangtze RiverDugongsMammal faces+ ManateesAmazon ManateesFlorida ManateesPolar BearSea Otter+ Seals and Sea Lions+ Sea LionsAustralianCaliforniaHooker'sSteller sea lion+ SealsAntarctic FurAustralian FurBearded SealCape Fur SealElephant SealGuadalupe FurHarbor SealNZ Fur SealLeopard SealsSth AmericanWalrus+ WhalesBlue WhaleBowhead WhaleFin WhalesGrey Whales+ Humpback whaleBreachingon SurfaceUnderwaterMinke WhaleOrca, Killer WhalePilot WhaleSei WhaleSouthern RightSperm Whale + Molluscs Chambered nautilusPaper nautilusPearl farmsClamsCuttlefishNudibranch, sea slugOctopusOystersSeashell animalsSquid + Plants - Marine MangrovesSea GrassSeaweeds, kelp, algaStromatolites + Pollution Marine pollution + Rays Buttefly raysEagle raysElectric raysFiddler raysGuitarfishManta raysSawfishShovelnose raysSkatesStingareesStingraysThornback Rays + Reef Destruction Coral bleachingReef Damage + Reef Scenes Aerial reef scenesCoral reefsFish and coralTemperate reefs + Reptiles - Marine Alligators+ CrocodilesCaiman CrocEstuarineNile CrocodileReptile facesSea Snakes+ Sea TurtlesFlatback turtleGreen turtleHawksbill turtleKemp's ridley turtleLeatherback turtleLoggerhead turtleOlive ridley turtle + Sea Birds AlbatrossAustralia sea birdsCormorantsGullsOspreyPelican+ PenguinsAdelie penguinAfrican penguinChinstrap penguinEmperor penguinFairy penguinGentoo penguinKing penguinMacaroni penguinMegellanic penguinRockhopper penguinPetrelsSea DucksSkuaTerns + Seascapes Aerial seascapesAntarctica seascapesBeach scenesCoastal seascapesIcebergsIsland seascapesUnder/over scenesWater seascapes + Sharks Angel sharksBasking sharkBull sharkCarpet sharksCatsharksChimaerasDeep Sea SharksDogfish sharksElephant sharks+ Great White SharkGreat white sharkAttack, predationDorsal finsShark jawson SurfaceUnderwaterGreenland sharkGrey nurse sharkHammerhead sharkHorn sharksHound sharksLeopard sharksMako sharkNurse sharkPorbeagle sharkTiger sharkWhale shark+ Whaler SharksBlacktip reef sharkBlue sharkBronze whalerBull sharkCaribbean reefDusky sharkGalapagos sharkGrey reef sharkLemon sharkOceanic whitetipSandbar sharkSharpnose sharkSilky sharkSilvertip sharkSpinner sharkWhitetip reefmore WhalersWobbegong sharksOther SharksShark fishingShark research + Wrecks World war 2 wrecksOther shipwrecks Terrestrial - Land + African Animals BatsCheetahHippopotamusHyenaLionMigrationNile CrocodileOther CatsOther Lions+ PrimatesBaboonsChimpanzeeGorillasMonkeysOther PrimatesRhinocerosWildebeestZebra + American Animals Anteaters+ BearsBlack BearsBrown BearsGrizzly BearsPolar BearsBighorn SheepCoyotesPrimatesWolves + Australian Animals Animal behaviourBandicootsBilbyDingo, wild dogDunnartsEchidnaFlying foxes, Bats+ GlidersSquirrel GlidersSugar Gliders+ KangaroosEastern GreyKangaroo IslandRed KangarooTree KangarooWestern GreyKoalaNative Mouse, RatsPademelonsPlatypusPossumsQuollsTasmanian Devil+ WallabiesBlack-footed RockNailtail WallabyParma WallabyProserpine RockRed-neckedSwamp Wallaby+ WallaroosAntilopine wallarooWombatsother Animals + Madagascar Animals FosaIslandsLemurs, Aye-ayeRats + Other Animals Arabian OryxAsian Black BearBatsLynxMicePandaTigers + Birds + American BirdsCranesDucksGeeseParrotsmore Birds+ Australian BirdsBirds of PreyBowerbirdsBrush TurkeyCassowaryCockatoosEmuFairy WrensFairy PenguinFinchesFowlHens, RailsHoneyeatersKookaburrasIntroduced birdsNative PigeonsOwls, FrogmouthParrotsPeacockPelicanRainforest birdsRobinsSea birdsWater birdsmore Australia bird+ Birds of PreyBazaEaglesFalconsOspreyOwlsVulturesOther birds+ PenguinsAdelie penguinAfrican penguinChinstrap penguinEmperor penguinFairy penguinGentoo penguinKing penguinMacaroni penguinMegellanic penguinRockhopper p'guin+ Sea BirdsAlbatrossAustralia sea birdsCormorantsGullsOspreyPelicanPetrelsSea DucksSkuaTerns+ Water BirdsAmerican birdsAustralian birds + Clouds Clouds and sky + Dangerous Animals Dangerous animalsDangerous insectsDangerous reptilesDangerous snakes + Design in Nature Design on Land + Endangered Species + Australian SpeciesAustralian animalsAustralian birdsAustralian frogsAustralian reptilesWorldwide species + Farm Animals CowsHorses, PoniesSheep + Freshwater environ freshwater crayfishfreshwater fishFreshwater plantsfreshwater turtlesfreshwater yabbyfreshwater springs + Frogs, Toads Australian frogsCane toadother Frogs + Insects AntsBeesBeetles, bugsButterfliesGrasshoppersPraying mantis+ Australian SpidersFunnel-web spiderJumping spidersMouse spidersNet-casting spiderRed-back spiderWhite-tailed spiderWolf spidermore SpidersStick insectsother Insects + Landscapes Antarctica landscapesAustralia coastlineAustralia generalAustralia outbackLimestone caves + Plants - terrestrial FlowersFreshwater plantsFungiMadagascar treesTreesWater lilyWildflowersother Plants + Rainforests, Forests + Australian ForestsAust rainforestEucalypt forestsother ForestsAustralian waterfallsRainforest lifeRainforest loggingRainforest rivers+ Worldwide ForestsAmazon forestsCanada forestsMadagascarPalmyra forestsWorldwide waterfalls + Reptiles - land |
P.O. Box 280 Toormina New South Wales 2452
✆ 02) 6658 5657
