Southern Cross Boat Transport is a family-owned and operated business. Based for twenty years in Noosa, on the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland. We are one of the most respected and highly recommended transport operators by both insurance companies and previous clientele alike. Boasting a safety record second to none. Southern Cross Boat Transport services include the following: Servicing Australia Wide Large Vessel Specialists Air Bag Suspension Trailers to 55' Club Marine Transit Insurance Pilot Vehicle Escorts All boat and marine craft transport Derigging Packing Storage Cradles Servicing We have trucks servicing Marina's Australia wide. Which also enables us to provide for local shifts in the capital cities at least weekly (Excluding Tasmania). East to west weekly. Providing our ongoing reliable service between the east coast and Perth and return. All our trucks are W.A. accreditated for oversize loads which was recently made compulsory. Darwin is serviced fortnightly. But please be aware of delays due to the wet season for oversize loads which restricts our "Access" to the "Territory". |
Southern Cross Boat Transport
PO Box 363 Noosa Heads Queensland
✆ (07) 54710055