Welcome to the Sydney Fly Rodders' Website! If you are new to the sport and looking to learn all about this wonderful sport of fly fishing then I urge you to join our club. Even if you have never held a fly rod before we aim to help people become proficient fly fishers, our members range in age from 17 to 70+ and we have several very proficient female members. So don't be shy get into the world of fly fishing its easy you can sign up today right here and become a member. I look forward to seeing you at our next monthly meeting. If you are a flyfisher who has surfed in from some other part of the world and you are lucky enough to visit Sydney then we invite you to visit us on our club night and if you are on an extended stay you may even get invited to go fishing. So enjoy the site and hopefully we will see you soon. Despite a rapid increase in interest in both fresh and saltwater fly-fishing in Australia during the early 1990s, specialist fishing clubs devoted to fly-fishing were largely non-existent. In mid-1994 a half dozen committed fly-fishermen met in Sydney with the idea of establishing a specialist fishing club to overcome this gap. Founding members Peter Morse, Brett Richards, Gordon Dunlop, Chris Wright, Paddy McGuiness and Ian Ryall organised the first meeting of the Sydney Fly-Rodders' Club in June 1994 and following substantial interest, the Club has grown beyond all expectations. Sydney Fly-Rodders currently has over 220 active participants, including numerous interstate and overseas members. The primary aim of the Club is to foster the sport of fly-fishing in all its forms; fresh, saltwater, rivers, estuary and blue water. It also encourages fish conservation, and through affiliation with other recreational fishing organisations, alert local fly-fishermen to national and international fly-fishing developments. The Club subscribes to IGFA rules regarding fishing ethics and fish conservation. We hold monthly meetings at which a range of guest speakers outline the latest in fly-fishing techniques and tackle. Past speakers have included Rod Harrison, Steve Starling, Alex Julius, Peter Morse and John Killip and topics have been as diverse as nymph and dry fly fishing for trout right through to fly-fishing for barramundi, sails and tuna. Meetings provide a venue for those interested in fly-fishing to meet and swap ideas. Raffles of fly-fishing gear are also a regular feature. The Club produces a monthly newsletter for members which outlines Club activities (including casting and fly-tying clinics, fresh and salt-water outings), fishing news and summaries of talks presented at meetings. If this sounds of interest to you, why not come along to one of our meetings. These are held every second Monday of the month at the Cammeray Golf Club starting at 7.00pm, |
Sydney Fly Rodders Club
PO Box 2251 Bondi Junction New South Wales 1355

Specialist: Fly Fishing