The Academy of Taxidermy's Master Taxidermist, Michael Buzza, has over 40 years experience in taxidermy and offers extensive Taxidermy Services. Michael is renowned as one of Australia's leading taxidermists. He specializes in the mounting of all animal trophies (birds, mammals and reptiles) and all marine life including crayfish. Particular areas of interest are endangered Australian animals. Michael Buzza's taxidermy specimens are utilized by educational institutions, marketing companies, video and film production houses, museums, and DEC (Department of Environment and Conservation). For promotional ideas using taxidermy specimens, please see Animals For Promotion. Animals currently available for hire can be seen at Mounted Animals For Hire and Replica Animals. He also provides a huge variety of Animal Molds and body forms and a selection of animal eyes for other taxidermists. Rainbow Trout Superbly crafted, glass display cabinets can be custom built to present your taxidermy masterpieces. We will also repair and restore existing taxidermy work, animal skins, rugs and wall hangings. The Academy of Taxidermy is committed to fair and ethical practices. We only work on animals that have died of natural causes. The quality of our taxidermy work is paramount. 1x Taxidermy Barn Owl - Tyto alba A10 233470/03 CITES 11 1x Taxidermy Tawny Owl - Strix atuco A10 233470/01 CITES 11 1x Taxidermy Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo 1x Taxidermy Ostrich Chick - Struthio camelus 1x Taxidermy Flamingo - Phoenicopterus rubber 1x Taxidermy Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus 1x Crowned Crane - Balearica regulorum 2x Swans 6x Taxidermy Domestic cats - Felis catus 1x Taxidermy Domestic cat stuffed to look dead - Felis catus 1x Taxidermy domestic cat (Part) - Felis catus 2x Taxidermy Rhesus Macaque - Macaca mulatta 1x Taxidermy domestic dog - Canis familiaris antique 1x Taxidermy dog Greyhound - Canis familiaris 1x Taxidermy domestic hamster - Mesocricetus auratus 1x Taxidermy Squirrel Monkey - Saimire sciureus 1x Taxidermy Coyote head - Canis latrans 1x Taxidermy Armadillo - Chaetophractus villosus 2x Taxidermy Moles - Talpa europaea 2x Taxidermy Weasels - Mustela nivalis 1x Taxidermy Stoat - Mustela erminea 1x Taxidermy Grey squirrel - Sciurus carolinensis 1x Taxidermy Badger - Meles meles 2x Taxidermy Common Rats - Rattus norvegicus 1x Taxidermy Edible Dormouse - Glis glis 1x Taxidermy Common Marmoset - Catlithrix jacchus Cites B Species 1x Taxidermy Douroucoulis Night Monkey - Aotes trivirgatus Cites B Species 4x Taxidermy Rabbits - Oryctolagus cuniculus 2x Taxidermy Moles -Talpa europaea 2x Taxidermy Weasels - Mustela nivalis 1x Taxidermy Stoat - Mustela erminea 1x Taxidermy Grey squirrel - Sciurus carolinensis 1x Taxidermy fox stuffed to look dead - Vulpes vulpes 1x Tortoise carapace - Testudo hermanni CITES 11 A10 212269/02 1x Taxidermy Domestic dog - Canis familiaris 1x Taxidermy Fox - Vulpes vulpes 1x Taxidermy Fox cub - Vulpes vulpes 1x Taxidermy Grey squirrel - Sciurus carolinensis 1x Taxidermy Stoat - Mustela erminea 1x Taxidermy Hare - Lepus europaeus 1x Taxidermy Hedgehog - Erinaceus europaeus 1x Taxidermy Black Bear - Ursus americanus 1x Taxidermy Roe Deer - Capreolus capreotus 1x Taxidermy Wallaby - unknown 1x Taxidermy Loggerhead Turtle - Caretta caretta CITES 1 A10235488/01 1x Taxidermy Iguana - Iguana iguana SKINS 2x Tanned and cured Goat skin rugs - Capra hircus 1x Squirrel skin - Sciurus carolinensis 3x Taxidermy/tanned Mole skins - Talpa europaea 1x Antique Taxidermy Polar bear skin rug - Ursus maritimus CITES 11 1x Antique American Black Bear skin rug - Ursus americanus/ Ursus thibetanus CITES 11 1x Antique Tiger skin rug - Panthera tigris CITES 1 A10 208873/01 1x Antique Tiger skin rug - Panthera tigris CITES 1 A10 208875/01 2x Fallow deer skin rug - Dama dama dama 1x Pangolin skin Manis crassicaudata VARIOUS MODELS Cast Ichthyosaurus Skull Elephant LEG Elephant HEAD Rhino head Banjo Ray 2 Giant Snails Chimpanzee Head SKELETONS 1x Taxidermy Eagle Owl skeleton - Bubo bubo 1x Genet cat skeleton - Genneta genetta 1x Human skeleton 1x Ostrige adult skeleton 1x Sparrowhawk skeleton - Accipiter nisus A10 248348/01 CITES 11 1x Puma skeleton - Puma concolor 1x Bat skeleton - Magaderma sp 1x Rhea skeleton - Rhea americana 1x Pigeon skeleton - Columba livia 1x Dog skeleton - Canis lupus familiaris 1x Gaboon Viper skeleton - Bitis gabonica 1x Mute Swan skeleton - Cygnus olor 1x Squirrel Monkey skeleton - Detr-antique SKULLS 1x Lion Skull - Panthera leo 1x Antique Turtle skull - Caretta caretta CITES 11 2x Rhesus monkey skulls - Macaca mulatta CITES 11 1x Rabbit skull - Oryctolagus cuniculus 2x European wild boar - Sus scrofa 2x Badger skulls - Meles meles 2x Greenfinch skulls - Chloris chloris chloris 1x Robin skull - Erithacus rubecula 1x Raven skull - Corvus corax 1x Common seal skull - Phoca vitulina 2x Jay skulls - Garrulus glandarius 1x Magpie skull - Pica pica 1x Bullfrog skull - Rana catesbiana 2x Pheasant skulls - Phasianus colchicus 2x Mallard duck skulls - Anus platyrhynchos 1x Cockatiel skull - Nymphicus hollandicus 1x Dog skull - canis familiaris 1x Pot bellied pig skull - Sus scrota domesticus 1x Cat skull - Felis cattus 2x Human skulls - Homo sapien 1x Crow skull - Corvus corone 1x Coypu skull - Myocastor coypus 1x Rattlesnake head and fangs - Crotalus atrox 5x Rat skulls - Rattus norvegicus 1x Banded toucan skull - Pteroglossus pluricinctus 1x Penguin skull 1x Llama skull - Liama glama 1x Tortoise skull - Testudo graeca 1x Saltwater Crocodile Reproduction (large) STUDY FEET 1x Taxidermy Antique Cassowary foot - Casuarius casuarius 1x pair Goose feet - Anser anser 1x pair Rabbit feet - Oryctolagus cuniculus 1x pair Crow feet - Corvus corone 1x pair Rook feet - Corvus frugilegus 1x pair Canary feet - Serinus canarius 1x pair Swan feet - Cygnus olor 1x pair Song thrush feet - Turdus philomelos 1x pair Blackbird feet - Turdus merula 1x pair Blue tit feet - Parus caeruleus 1x pair Robin feet - Erithacus rubecula WATERFOWL STUDY SKINS a TOTAL of 42 TO INCLUDE 1x Taxidermy Australian shelduck study skin - Tadorna tadorna 2x Taxidermy Common Elder - Somateria mollissima 1x African pygmy goose - Nettapus auritus 1x Chilean torrent duck - Merganetta armata 1x Red crested pochard- Netta rufina 2x Ashy headed goose - Chloephaga poliocephalta 1x Ruddy duck - Oxyura jamaicensis 1x Cinnamon teal - Anas cyanoptera 1x Puna teal - Anas puna 1x Black teal - Aythya novaeseelandiae 1x Chiloe wigeon - Anas sibilatrix 1x Australian shelduck - Tadorna tadornoides 1x Snow goose - Anser caerulescens 2x White backed duck - Thalassornis leuconotus SEASHELLS NON CITES 9x Nautilus sea sheds - Nautilus pompilus Chlamys australis x10 Pecten asperrimus x10 Mimachlamys x10 Haliolis scalaris x2 Haliolis laevigata x1 Spondylus albibarbatus x1 Chama lazarus x1 Chicoreus cornucervi x10 Harpa major x10 Callanaites disjecta x3 Turbo jourdani x1 Cymbiola magnifica x1 Papered (dried) Insects Dung Beetle - Helicopris dominus Beetle - Eupatorus gracilicorms Dung beetle - Enlotrupes sharpi Beetle - Chrysochroa buqueti rugicollis Beetle - Chrysochroa saundersii Beetle - Odontolabis sarasinorum Beetle - Odontolabis elegans Long nose bug - Pyros candelabra Beetle - Stenocera aquisienata Whip scorpion - Mastigoproctus giganteus Lantern bugs - Fulgora sp 1x Set Framed British Butterflies contains 1x Small tortoiseshell - Agalais urticae 1x Wood white - Leptidea sinapis 1x Marbled white - Melanargia gatathea 1x Clouded yellow - Colias crocea 1x Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta 1x Peacock - Inachis io 1x Pained lady - Vanessa cardui 1x Brimstone - Goneptertx rhammi 1x Spotted fritillary - Melitacea didyma 1x Green winger white - Pieris napi 1x Speckled Wood - Pararge aegeria 1x Pale clouded yellow - Colias hyale MISCELLANEOUS Giant seed pod Entada phaseoloides Vellum parchment A letter dating from 1717 written on treated deer or calf skin vellum Fossil prehistoric cave bear lower jaw France Fossil prehistoric cave bear jaw Fossil prehistoric cave bear Jaw Petrified wood - Madagascar Fossil Beaver Pooh - coprolite USA Fossil Shark teeth 30-60 Million years Florida beach USA Fossil shark teeth Eocene Morocco Elephant dung paper Malawi Africa Insect in amber Oligocene approx 25 million years old Dominican Republic 25 Carbon hydrocarbon v amber Poland Spear points Southwest Indian tribes 300-2000 yrs old Arizona and New Mexico Southern USA Fossilised Antler Diamond drill core section in pyrites veins (Cut and polished WA) Tortoise shell tribal mask West Africa 3x African spears 1x Basket Several 3x (approximately) sets of horns Elephant molar Antique Fossil ammonites Arniocoreas sp Lyme Regis Dorset UK 3x Shell Oil Cigarette card albums 1x Bird card album Ikea rack Toy toads Assorted Books Collection minerals Collection of bugs in resin, paperweight's, jewellery etc Collection Banksia nuts Several insect collection boxes CABINETS 4x White glass topped retail units 2x Glass tower units 1x Large Antique glass box cabinet 1x Large Curved glass cabinet 1x Pine rear opening cabinet 1x small black material lined cabinet 1x Cabinet full of skulls 1x Wall cabinet 1x Antique insect cabinet with approximately 160 drawers |
The Academy of Taxidermy
PO Box 238 Guildford Western Australia 6935
✆ 61 08 93773884
