The Fisherman's MOUSE TRAP tm is a highly refined product with the main components manufactured of 316-grade Stainless Steel and Bronze, and with no corrosive components The Fisherman's MOUSE TRAPTM will last for years if looked after. The "Fisherman's Mouse Trap" is a unique product in that you do not have to change your fishing characteristics in using it as an improvement to your fishing. Even though the "Fisherman's Mouse Trap" is fitted with a Poly-Styrene FLOAT it doe's not restrict you from BOTTOM FISHING as the Float is only fitted to the unit to create a resistance in the water when the Trace line is pulled by the catch. The Float has a very low Buoyancy which allows it to be easily sent to the bottom by placing a SINKER around 100-150mm above the Float, allowing the Float to go to the bottom This allows for catching of Snapper, Mangrove Jack, Flathead etc. Make sure that when using "The Fisherman's Mouse Trap" that you allow it to do it's designed job, there is absolutely no need to try to JAG the FISH yourself as it does the job for you. As the product main components are constructed of Stainless Steel and Bronze it has a long life if looked after, after each use it is recommended to Flush out the product in Fresh Water, especially if used in Salt Water as Dry Salt may form in the Bronze tube and restrict the Triggering mechanism from working correctly. To limit the loss of "The Fisherman's Mouse Trap" on Snags etc it is recommended to use a Heavier Breaking Strain Line at the top end of the unit with a Lighter Breaking Strain Line for the Trace with the Hook attached as this Line will break before the Main Line. If the Float is removed from the unit the unit will become ineffective as the Float is required to cause a resistance in the water when a FISH is attacking the Bait, "causing a resistance and activating the TRIGGER to drag the HOOK into the mouth of the Fish." Fish is snagged the HOOK penetrates deep and makes it very difficult for the Fish to spit the HOOK. As "The Fisherman's Mouse Trap" is so unique and doe's the work for you, you are now able to set as many LINES as you like and let "The Fisherman's Mouse Trap" do the job for you as there is very little chance of the Fish Spitting the Hook whilst you are attending to another line. One other large advantage with "The Fisherman's Mouse Trap" is that it will not Trigger off with the small tiddlers, it has a pre-set tension of around 300gms so the Fish you catch is of legal size. As seen on the left, ensure when loading the Bait to the Hook the the Trigger Arm as shown in (A) above is in this position and that ARM (B) as shown above is not protruding as if this is the case it is possible to JAG yourself when loading the Bait onto the HOOK. |
The Fisherman's MOUSE TRAP
1/24 Commercial Drive Ashmore Queensland 4214
✆ (07) 5679-0409