Management of Waters The Association, through its governing council, is involved in sitting on various consultative committees, it also liaises with Government Departments & other bodies about the management of the freshwater fishery. Fish Stocks Members of the Association are also actively involved in assisting the Fisheries Department in stocking certain waters with Brown and Rainbow Trout. Private Fishing Facilities The Association also purchases a small amount of fry each year for stocking in private farm dams, which are available for the exclusive use of members. Familiarisation tours of the farm dams are held regularly. Members should at all times respect the environment in which they move Do not in any way interfere with the natural environment of the water's edge. Remove all broken and waste fishing line and dispose of it safely. Drive only on established vehicular tracks. Help to clean up areas you visit - carry a spare rubbish bag. When visiting remote areas advise others of your planned movements and safe return. Members should at all times act in such a way as to conserve fish stocks and ensure the continued success of our sport Members are asked to observe a bag limit for trout of four fish per day. Adhere rigidly to all other State fishing regulations with regard to bag limits, minimum legal sizes, closed waters and season. Be aware of the procedures for the safe return of captured fish and where possible adopt practices that cause the least distress to the fish. Do not seek to capture fish beyond your immediate needs and do not seek to capture undersize fish where these are known to exist in large numbers. Members should at all times respect the needs of other anglers The club caters for anglers adopting a variety of angling methods and styles. These various approaches have their different needs. Members are asked to respect these needs. Our common interest is freshwater angling. It is a healthy situation for friendly rivalry to exist between groups of anglers adopting different approaches but it is not in the best interests of this club for any one group to seek to dominate the interests of others. Members should respect the rights of land owners Seek the permission of land owners when entering private property. Observe State Forest Regulations. Members should promote the interests of the Association with the general public Respect the rights and needs of all other water users. Encourage junior and novice members. Members should provide the club with accurate fishing records Members are urged to keep accurate records of all trout captures. Social Activities An activities evening is held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Rowing WA Clubhouse, 2 The Esplanade, Canning Bridge, Perth commencing at 8.00pm. Any one of a number of activities are conducted on these evenings, such as fly tying, video presentations, guest speakers, tackle auctions and fly casting lessons. Magazine A small bi-monthly magazine called Freshwater is published for members information. Included in the magazine are such things club news and planned field events, social gatherings, area fishing reports, articles of interest for members either written by themselves or collected from other publications, cooking recipes and articles on current fishing topics. Videos The Association maintains a small library of instructional videos pertaining to freshwater angling. These are available to members for hire at a small cost. Accommodation The Association has a cottage at Pemberton we call 'Rose Cottage', available to members at an affordable rate. Rose Cottage is a former timber workers cottage which is located handy to shops, services and the nearby town swimming pool. Cost are kept down by maintaining the cottage on a self clean basis. Members need to supply their own linen and food. The cottage has 12 beds, a kitchen equipped with a fridge, microwave, electric frypan, hot plate, electric kettle, toaster, crockery and cutlery. There is a lounge where you can relax in front of an open fire after a hard day's fishing. Field Events Freshwater angling is not promoted as a competition sport, although the Association does hold a fishing competition/social weekend once each year, usually in September or October on the Queen's birthday long week-end. Other annual events are the Winter Wash (a social team's event) on the Foundation Day long week-end in June. There is a Redfin Perch safari and camp out between Feb/April and a social Marron snaring night usually on the second Saturday of the Marron season. |
Western Australian Trout & Freshwater Angling Association

Specialist: Trout