Provides events calendar, membership details, photos, news, and contact information. Based in Lilydale, Victoria. The Yarra Valley Fly Fishers Inc. prides itself on its long history of teaching new-comers to the sport of fly-fishing. Fly Casting: An open invitation is extended to anyone interested in fly-fishing, to come down to our Lillydale Lake clubrooms and try their hand at casting a fly rod - equipment can be supplied. (Free tea/coffee) We have quite a number of highly experienced casters who can help, whether you are just beginning or are experienced to various levels. This is an obligation free offer to enable prospective members to get a "feel" for our club prior to joining (but must be limited to the first couple of visits) and is absolutely cost free at this time. There is no need to make a booking, just come down for a friendly chat and check us out. Casting tuition is held every Sunday from 10.00 am till around 12.00 noon. - All Welcome. Fly Tying: If learning to tie your own flies is your thing, then Wednesday evenings at 8.00pm is the time to make yourself available. Volunteer members take courses in fly-tying for the very beginner to the more advanced tier, and we also cater for saltwater fly-tying (generally around winter). For the beginners we can supply the essential tools to get you started. A small weekly charge applies to cover the cost of tying materials supplied, and bookings are recommended as classes depend on numbers. - The co-ordinator is Arthur Dyson. General meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 8.00 pm and visitors are most welcome. We usually have informative guest speakers at most of our meetings which are generally advertised in our newsletter. Club trips are held monthly as scheduled in our syllabus and advertised. Our club has an extensive library of fishing books, complemented with relevant videos/dvd's and other pieces of fly-fishing memorabilia housed at our clubrooms. A monthly newsletter, the "Fly Line By Line" is distributed free to all members and is also available as a download (.pdf) from a link on the "home page" on this site. You can call the clubrooms on 03 9739 5728 (If no answer, leave a message and someone will get back in touch with you). |
Yarra Valley Fly Fishers
lydale Lake Community Rooms Lilydale Victoria 3140
✆ 03 9739 5728

Specialist: Fly Fishing